Sunday, September 16, 2012

Zombies May Save your Life

This evening I will leave the safety of my home and run through the familiar streets of my neighborhood, collecting supplies we need to survive in this post zombie apocalypse world. Our radio operator, Sam Yao, will guide me through my headset and warn me when a pack of zoms catches the scent of my living flesh, at which point I will sprint as if my life depended on it. Jack and Eugene will break in when Sam doesn't need my attention and broadcast music to distract me as I run. I am Runner 5, one of a small group of runners who supply the survivors of Abel Township in a world where human motive power is all that’s left.

I haven’t really run for years, but I started earlier this summer, months before the zombies came. I remember a conversation with my wife when I said I wished someone would develop an app for the iPhone that had zombies chase you around, something that would give your running a purpose.  Well, about two weeks ago I found one. It’s called “Zombies, run!,” and it’s far more immersive than I imagined. It’s mostly audio – a sequence of well voice-acted story segments (all in the form of radio communications from the base) interspersed with songs from your playlist. At any point during the music you might pick up some useful bit of salvage or be chased by zombies, at which point you have to speed up considerably for about a minute or get caught. Freeky.

[Minor Spoilers] On my latest mission, the gates to Abel Township got stuck open, so Runner 8 and I had to go out with noisemakers to draw zombies away. It was in the morning, when the packs of sleepy, droop-shouldered high school kids standing at the street corners waiting for the bus could easily be mistaken for the undead. I worried about Runner 8 because she had a nasty cough. As I wondered if she was going to be able to stay ahead of the zombies, my playlist kicked off with “If  One of Us Should Fall,” by The Slip. In the next segment of the story, it seemed like Runner 8 was losing it, whipping out a pistol and almost daring the zombies to chase us. My playlist continued with “Killer Queen."

Now I run as often as my aching legs and knees will allow. I feel guilty when I don’t run, not because I’m not getting exercise, but because the people of Abel need me. Right now there’s a little girl lost outside the compound, waiting for me to rescue her. What am I doing mowing the lawn, blogging and watching TV!

Zombies, Run! Is available on iPhone, Android and iPod Touch.

After the run: Allocating the items I salvaged to the different areas of Abel Township.

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